About Us
The Jerome Westheimer Center for the Performing Arts is a performing arts theater that focuses on providing Southern Oklahoma with access to inclusive arts opportunities.
Our Mission Statement:
To deepen the impact, increase accessibility, and champion the inclusion of all arts programs throughout Southern Oklahoma.
We are proud to be a part of Ardmore City Schools
ACS Fine Arts Philosophy Statement:
The Performing and Visual Arts Department at Ardmore City Schools believe that fine arts are essential in a well-rounded education. Fine arts provide the students with the opportunity to explore art, music, and drama. It provides the individual with a sense of confidence through their accomplishments in this field. The students are challenged to acknowledge the responsibility to use their talents and knowledge in the service to educate themselves and others. Through purposeful focused study and various learning experiences, value is added to the daily lives of our students, staff, and community members by promoting a culture of expression, creativity, mastery and passion for the fine arts.
921 Veteran's Blvd., Ardmore, OK 73401